Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs


Mapa Mental sobre Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs, criado por Norman McBrien em 16-10-2013.
Norman McBrien
Mapa Mental por Norman McBrien, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Norman McBrien
Criado por Norman McBrien quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs
  1. Be Passionate
    1. Inspire Your Team
      1. Inspire Your Customers
      2. Focus on the Opportunity
        1. Eliminate Distractions
          1. Do few Things Well
          2. Hard Work
            1. Takes Years to be an Overnight Success
            2. Enjoy the Journey
              1. Celebrate Milestones
              2. Trust Your Gut
                1. Be Flexible but Persistent
                  1. Learn & Adapt
                    1. Keep at It
                    2. Rely on Your Team
                      1. Compliment your Strengths
                        1. Know Yourself


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