As a returning adult student, how do you choose the right degree path and not let life interfere?


Mapa Mental sobre As a returning adult student, how do you choose the right degree path and not let life interfere?, criado por Miresa Abundis em 28-05-2015.
Miresa Abundis
Mapa Mental por Miresa Abundis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miresa Abundis
Criado por Miresa Abundis mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

As a returning adult student, how do you choose the right degree path and not let life interfere?
  1. Degree Path Selection
    1. Interests
      1. Choosing the right school
      2. Stengths
        1. Reason for returning
          1. Finish a previously started program
            1. Career Change
              1. Job outlook
                1. Education required
              2. Commitment Requirement
              3. Avoiding interference
                1. Making a comitment
                  1. Work toward a goal
                    1. life you want to life
                      1. Self pride
                      2. Right school
                        1. program choices
                          1. learning/teaching methods offered
                        2. Despite previously chosen majors and current situations, exploring the students interest and using their strengths and experiences to determine their educational path will lead to degree completion because people are motivated to do what they enjoy.


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