Civil War in sirya


trabajp de ingles
maria lucero
Mapa Mental por maria lucero, atualizado more than 1 year ago
maria lucero
Criado por maria lucero mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Civil War in sirya
  1. this creates
    1. violence in Sirya
      1. involving
        1. 23'101.235 persons, all Syria
          1. that is to say
            1. all Syrian children
              1. and especially
                1. innocents
              2. all Syrian women
      2. it occurs in
        1. Syrya
          1. i'ts in
            1. Western Asia
        2. countries involved
          1. who support the rebels
            1. Russia, North Korea, China and Iran
            2. supporters of the govvernment
              1. United States,Turkey and France
            3. it has two bands
              1. Armed Syria and the Government
                1. they look for
                  1. Maintain order and prevent a coup
                2. Free Syria Army
                  1. they look for
                    1. seeking to topple the goverment and oust president Bashar al-Assad
                      1. they fight for
                        1. the govermment is violent, bloody and corrupt, and yhat the Syrian people have risen against him
                    2. they leader is
                      1. Colonel Riyad al-Asad
                  2. began in
                    1. 2011, spring
                    2. nowdays
                      1. war doesn't


                      maria lucero
                      civil war in syria
                      maria lucero
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