Lectin Pathway: MBL (a recpetor)
binds to Mannose residues on the cell
surface of bacteria. The subsequent
MAPS-2 allows C3 convertase reaction
to occur
Alternate pathway- In non infected cells
SALIC acid allows for the rapid destruction
of C3b which circulates in low levels. In
infected state the antigen will bind with
C3B as will Factor D, B and properidin to
form C3 Convertase
The terminal pathway is the same for
all... The Anaphylotoxins (a)- C3a and
c5a will bind to MAST cells and
promote vasodilation. The c5b
activation is the patform of cascades
to form a polymer- The MAC attack
(membrane attack complex) product
allows for cell lesion/destruction
The classial pathway:The is when a
single IGM or two adjacent IGG bind
to a C1 and alow subsequent c2-C4
cleavage to occu.The product is C3
A group of 25-30 proteins (lettered and
numbered) that are synthesized in the
LIVER. Membrane damage,immune
adherance and opsonization. This also
promotes chemotaxis and chemokines
Viral Infections
Innate immunity: Anatomical,
Physiological, Phagocytic and
NK cells: These are cyttoxic to virally
infected cells, crucial in the first 1-2days.
They are able to recognise and destroy
"mutated MHC 1's"
Interferons: These activate
neighbouring cells- they enhance the
acquired immune response via ^
expression of MHC 1/2
Acquired Immunity
Humoral *TH2: Theappropriae
release of cytokines allow for B
cell clonal selection. Production peaks 2-3 w after initial infection
Antibodies do not break down cells,
they BLOCK the BINDING of the virus to
the HOST cell
IgM, IgA and IgG
Opsonise for phagocytosis
IgM and IgG
Agglutination of cells
IgM (the primary response)
Cell Mediated Immunity *TH1:
Cytotoxic T cells are MHC restricted but
they are able to lyse virally infected cells.
Macs are often the professional APC's to TH
cells and also aid in phagocytosis
There are certain cytotinx
(IFN-gamma) which is released to
DIRECT antiviral activity
NK cells can destroy via
ADCC and non specifically
BOTH CMI and Humoral are key
Intracellular Bacteria
The TH1- cyto0toxic response is the most important
LISTERIA: This is a facultative anaerobe
that is widely distributed in the env. It may
penetrate the GIT and cause spleenic and
hepatic division. = Abortion, septicaemia
and meningitis
Evades the immune system via
production of LYSIN, the lysosome is
destroyed- does not form and the
bacteria gains access to the cytoplasm.
After replication the pathogen travels to
the periphery (filaments) and enter
adjacent cells via membrane projections
(never exposed)
Macs are activated- TNF is then released
which allows NK cells to produce IFN .
These macs also promote the direct
dstruction of infx hepatocytsThe release of
INTERFERON Y from NK cells is crucial to
supportive macrophage activation and
death of bacteria. Once the infection is
controlled, 1L-10 will down regulate the
There is activation of alveolar macs. These are
professional APC'S which activate TH cells,
release of interferon sways acquired immunity
predmoninantly towards CYTOTOXIC (TH1). A
primary tubercle attacked my macs is suported
by cytotoxic T cells
These evade the immune system by hiding in
the "cornerstones" where they cannot be
attacked by" Macs, antibodies and the
Complement system. They are mobile and
rapid dissemination occurs. They PREVENT the
lysosome bind and bacteria can then escape
into the cytoplasm. They NOW produce a
"LETHAL HIT", necrosis and rapid spread
Mycobacterium TB: A few pathogen enter the
bronchi (resp tract)
A TUBERCLE forms in infected tissue (lungs, LN)-
calcified and radio-opaque. This is a combination
of macs and actuvated T cells. It is the site of
infection, protection, persistance and pathology.
It can become re-activated
Extracellular Bacteria
TH2 antibody productionis the main response but there are essentially
four methods... This icludes the CLOSTRIDIAL disease- Tetani, Boltulium,
Bacillus and ENTERObactericae- Yersninia, Klebsiella etc
by enzymes or
Death by
Ig and
by antibodies, collectins
complement (C3b)
Phagocytosis and
destruction by
Innate immunity
Enzymes, Iron binding proteins (transferin
and lactoferin), defensins, interferons and
the complement cascade...
Acquired Immunity
Opsonization of encapsulated bacteria
allows phagocytosis- bind the Fc fragment
(string on soap) Opsonisation can occur via;
1) Collectins which recognise foreign C3b
and 2) Anti-bodies and C3b comps-
phagocytes have a receptor for C3b!