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7th grade Yamim Tovim Mapa Mental sobre Enter text here, criado por Rabbi Shua Einbinder em 03-02-2021.
Rabbi Shua Einbinder
Mapa Mental por Rabbi Shua Einbinder, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rabbi Shua Einbinder
Criado por Rabbi Shua Einbinder quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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  1. 4 Mitzvot
    1. Mishloach Manos
      1. Boy gives to a boy
        1. Give through a messenger
        2. Purim Seuda
          1. I need to wash Hamotzee
            1. It needs to start while it's still day
            2. Matanot l'evyonim
              1. I give money to poor people
              2. Megillah
                1. We listen to the Megilla twice, once at night and once by day
                  1. We need to hear each word
                    1. Can't speak throughout
                      1. We make noise when we hear the name of Haman (some only when there is an adjective)
                    2. Story of Purim
                      1. Characters
                        1. Achashveirosh
                          1. Haman
                            1. Mordechai
                              1. Esther
                            2. Lessons
                              1. Customs


                                כרטיסיות לפורים
                                Ofer Levy
                                PURIM - פורים
                                Ofer Levy
                                חידון פורים
                                Ofer Levy
                                Fórmulas de física
                                Alessandra S.
                                Histologia Humana - Tecido Epitelial
                                Marcella F. Brunhara
                                Simulado de Química
                                Marina Faria
                                Direito Previdenciário INSS 2015
                                André Cavallini
                                História da Arte
                                GoConqr suporte .
                                Gestão por Competências
                                Mapa Mental - Fungos
                                Leonardo Bermudes
                                Conectando tópicos diferentes
                                GoConqr suporte .