

a short summary about translation process
Janyce Mejia
Mapa Mental por Janyce Mejia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Janyce Mejia
Criado por Janyce Mejia mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Definition
    1. Transfering written or spoken SL texts to equivalent written or spoken TL texts.
    2. Jakobson's categories
      1. Intralingual
        1. Rewording
        2. Interlingual
          1. Translation propper
          2. Intersemiotic
            1. Transmutation
          3. Knowledge
            1. Procedural
              1. Options for translation
              2. Factual
                1. Special terminology resources
              3. Translators
                1. Very good knowledge about the language
                  1. familiarity with the subject matter
                    1. Excellent command of the target language
                      1. Finely tuned sense
                      2. Types of translation and interpretation
                        1. Financial
                          1. Legal
                            1. Medical
                              1. Scientific
                                1. Technical
                                  1. Literary Translation
                                  2. Types of Translation
                                    1. Machine
                                      1. Automatic translation
                                      2. Machine-Assisted
                                        1. Machine and human
                                        2. Screen
                                          1. Movies and tv subtitling and dubbing
                                          2. Sight
                                            1. Documment explained orally
                                            2. Localization
                                              1. Adapting products to a different culture
                                            3. Translation
                                              1. Types of translation
                                                1. Specialized
                                                  1. Language of a specific area
                                                  2. Non-specialized
                                                    1. Direct
                                                      1. from a foreign language to your native language or a language you master perfectly
                                                      2. Indirect
                                                        1. Quite a bit harder to do, and less reliable
                                                        2. Translation techniques
                                                          1. Semantic Level
                                                            1. Explansion
                                                              1. Amplification for structural reasons
                                                              2. Reduction
                                                                1. Reduction for structural reasons
                                                                2. Compensation
                                                                3. Morphosyntactic Level
                                                                  1. Loan
                                                                    1. Taken word without translation
                                                                    2. Calque
                                                                      1. Literally translated
                                                                      2. Literal translation
                                                                        1. Translating word by word respecting the collocations of the target language
                                                                        2. Transposition
                                                                          1. Translating one part of the speech to other one, without changing the meaning
                                                                          2. Modulation
                                                                            1. Variation of the message
                                                                            2. Equivalence
                                                                              1. Transmiting the same situation by using different stylistic and structural resources
                                                                              2. Adaptation
                                                                                1. solve a cultural vacuum between source and target language).
                                                                          3. PrOcess
                                                                            1. Comprenhension Stage
                                                                              1. Semasiology
                                                                              2. Expression Stage
                                                                                1. Onomasiology
                                                                            2. Interpreting
                                                                              1. Types of Interpretation
                                                                                1. Consecutive
                                                                                  1. Taking notes while listening. Then translates during pauses
                                                                                  2. Simultaneous
                                                                                    1. Listening to a speech and simultaneously interpret it
                                                                                  3. Is the facilitation of oral or sign-language communication


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