Why Great Britain Started the Industrial Revolution


Mapa Mental por naomishi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por naomishi quase 10 anos atrás

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Why Great Britain Started the Industrial Revolution
    1. Transportation
      1. canals
        1. railways golden age
        2. Natural Resources
          1. Coal
            1. Iron
              1. Ore
                1. Capital
                  1. Industrial Revolution Grew on Itself
                    1. money made in early industries (textile, iron-making, etc.) was reinvested
                    2. Labour
                      1. Enclosure Movement
                        1. Growth of Population
                          1. Better Forms of Transportation (like railways allowed people to migrate to cities)
                          2. Markets
                            1. the end of the French Revolution and the wars of Napoleon opened the continent up to British products
                              1. the Latin American wars of independence opened the markets of Central and South America
                                1. the United States and Canada demanded British products
                                  1. through its control of India, Britain commanded the markets of southern Asia


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