

Mapa Mental sobre science, criado por Emihle Kwakweni home em 04-06-2015.
Emihle Kwakweni home
Mapa Mental por Emihle Kwakweni home, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emihle Kwakweni home
Criado por Emihle Kwakweni home aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Fynbos Habitat
    1. covers small part of SA
      1. includes animals like porcupine, leopards, steenbok, bontebok, baboons and tortoises
      2. has more than any other habitat
        1. about 7500 plant species
          1. includes : proteas,ericas,dasies& vygies
        2. Forest Habitat
          1. found in lots of rain fall.
            1. ferns, yellowood, stinkwood and ironwood
              1. bushpig , bushbuk
                1. knysna lourie.
          2. Grassland Habitat
            1. found in summer rainfall areas
              1. rich in plants
                1. about 3800 plant species
                  1. often destroyed by veld fires
                    1. black wildebeest, eland, blesbok, black korhaan, blue crane and helmeted guinea fowl most found in nature reserves
            2. Nama Karoo


              Biology Revision - Y10 Mock
              Tom Mitchell
              Biology- Genes and Variation
              Laura Perry
              AQA Physics P1 Quiz
              Bella Statham
              Acids and Bases
              Sarah Egan
              Using GoConqr to teach science
              Sarah Egan
              Using GoConqr to study science
              Sarah Egan
              GCSE Combined Science
              Derek Cumberbatch
              Physics Revision
              Tom Mitchell
              The Circulatory System
              Shane Buckley
              Acids and Bases
              Elements, Compounds and Mixtures