Robbery: S8 Theft Act 1968


GCSE Law (Unit 4) Mapa Mental sobre Robbery: S8 Theft Act 1968, criado por beccehjane em 06-06-2015.
Mapa Mental por beccehjane, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Robbery: S8 Theft Act 1968
  1. AR
    1. Theft AR
      1. Force
        1. use force/seek to put in fear of force being used
          1. immediately before/at time of steal
            1. subjectively then and there
              1. used on any person
                1. in order to steal
              2. MR
                1. Theft MR
                  1. Intention for force
                  2. Robinson, one element of theft missing, no conviction
                    1. Dawson, jury decides whether 'force' has been used
                      1. B & R v DPP, boy did not fear force being used but D still liable
                        1. Hale, timing - continuing act
                          1. Clouden, wrenching a bag from a hand is force
                            1. Lockley, using force to escape can still be at time of theft
                              1. Bentham, if intention to create fear, don't matter if threat wasn't real


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