Latin Summary Term 2


Latin summary. End of term topic test. Creator: Lara Elphinstone
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Latin Summary Term 2
  1. Grammar
    1. Verb
      1. IUBEt
        1. 2nd conj
        2. VETO<VETARE
          1. 1st conj
        3. Imperative
          1. Negative imperatives
            1. sing
              1. noli+infintive
              2. plural
                1. infinitive+nolite
              3. Positive Imperatives
                1. 1st, 2nd, 4th declensions
                  1. 3, 3 1/2
                2. Prepoositions
                  1. Accustaive
                    1. Ablative
                      1. Rule
                        1. Going to is acc but in or going away is abl.
                      2. Roles of NOM,VOC..etc.
                        1. Nominative
                          1. Vocative
                            1. Accusative
                              1. Genitive
                                1. Ablative
                                  1. Dative
                                2. Culture
                                  1. FAbii story
                                    1. Slave and slave vocab
                                      1. pillieus
                                        1. libertus
                                          1. manummissions
                                          2. derrivatives chap 10,11,12
                                          3. Translation
                                            1. Chapter 10
                                              1. Meanwhile in the Cornelius’s country house, everyone is working hard. Aurelia wears her tunic, stola, and palla. She orders the slave woman to put the other tunics, and stolas, and the pallas in the chest. Marcus and Sextus wear their tunics and togas praetextas because, on a journey and in the city, children are accustomed to wear togas praetextas. A slave puts other tunics and the togas praetextas in the chest. In Gaius’ bedroom, a slave puts on a togas viriles in a chest because Gaius is accustomed to wearing togas viriles in the city. Gaius himself puts on a toga viriles. Davus, who takes care of everything himself, stands at the door. He orders the slaves to carry the chest out of the room and into the road. He holds the stick and shouts,”Come on, wicked slaves! Are you sleeping? We leave today, not tomorrow!” Marcus also urges on the slaves and orders them to put the chests in the carriage. A certain slave, named Geta, grabs Sextus’ chest and throws it in the carriage.
                                                1. “Be Careful, Geta!” exclaims a worried Sextus. “Take care of my chest! Don’t throw it! At last all the chests are in the carriage. Marcus and Sextus climb (into the carriage). Eucleides climbs (into the carriage). Aurelia climbs (into the carriage). Gaius himself is prepared to climb (into the carriage). Syrus, the coachman, also climbs (into the carriage) and prepares to urge on the horses. Suddenly Aurelia exclaims, “Where is Cornelia?” At that very moment Cornelia was running in the road. Gaius orders her to immediately climb into the carriage. The coachman immediately urges on the horses. The Cornelius’ depart.
                                              2. Chapter 12
                                                1. Davus is worried, for it is necessary to find Geta. When a slave runs away, the master often blames the overseer. He often beats them also. Cornelius is a good master, but when Cornelius is angry– Therefore, Davus immediately calls together the slaves into the threshing floor and asks, “Where is Geta?” No one is able to respond. Therefore, Davus sends one slave into the garden, another into the fields, and another into the vineyard. They look for Geta in the garden, and fields, and vineyard. Neither in the garden, nor in the ditches of the fields, nor in the trees of the vineyard is Geta found. Therefore, Davus orders the slaves to lead the dogs into the threshing floor. The other slaves bring the tunic of Geta into the threshing floor. The dogs come and catch the scent of the tunic. Soon Davus leads the slaves into the fields with the dogs. The dogs bark. They run through the fields of the Cornelius’, then through the neighboring country house.
                                                  1. Neither the stream nor the ditch hinders the dogs. They find Geta’s tracks, but Geta is not able to be found. At last, Davus urges them on into the woods. Geta still remains in the tree and is sleeping there. The barking dogs wake him up. Now however, Geta is not able to flee and sits on the branch, motionless and terrified. The dogs, when they approach the tree, do not catch sight of Geta himself, but smell him. The dogs bark; the slaves approach. They see the unhappy slave who hides himself in the branches of a tree. “Come down, Geta!” shouts Davus, Geta climbs down. Davus grabs him by the tunic and beat him with a stick. Then he ordered the slaves to drag Geta to the country house and to brand the letters FUG on his forehead.
                                                2. Chapter 11
                                                  1. All the Corneliuses are now in the carriage. They seek Rome along the Appian Way. Meanwhile, in the countryhouse, Davus is worried. Davus is the overseer of Cornelius and, if the master is away, the overseer himself takes care of the master's countryhouse. Davus therefore orders all the slaves to come into the threshing floor which is close to the countryhouse. In a short time, the threshing floor is full of slaves and slavewomen who make a great noise. "Listen to me! Although the master is away, we need to work strenuously." Then the slaves murmur "Davus wants to be master. Behold! He has a stick. He can beat us. We need to therefore do what he says" They therefore return to the fields because they fear the overseer's stick. But Greta doesn't return. She neither loves the overseer nor fears his anger. At night, therefore, because she no longer wants to work in the fields, prepares food and flees from the countryhouse. No one sees him, no on stops him.
                                                    1. Now he hurries through the fields now along the road. When it is day, he hides in the branches of a tree. There he sleeps. Meanwhile, although it is not yet light, Davus wakes up all the slaves. He orders them to go into the fields and work there. But he doesn't see Greta. Where is Greta? Davus therefore is angry, then worried. He stands at the gate of the countryhouse and watches the road, but he does not see Greta.


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