Practical and Investigative Skills


This is a mindmap of the notes we have on practical and investigative skills.
Justine Moy
Mapa Mental por Justine Moy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Justine Moy
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Resumo de Recurso

Practical and Investigative Skills
  1. Pieces of Apparatus
    1. Burette
      1. Glass Pipette
        1. Condenser
          1. Syringe
            1. Funnel
              1. Beaker
                1. Conical Flask
                  1. Dropping Funnel
                    1. Round Bottom Flask
                    2. Seperation Techniques
                      1. 3. Fractional Distillation
                        1. 4. Seperating Funnel
                          1. 5. Centrifuge
                            1. 1. Filtration
                              1. 2. Distillation
                                1. 6. Magnetism
                                  1. 7. Crystallisation
                                    1. 8. Paper Chromatography
                                    2. Planning an Investigation
                                      1. Step 1: PLANNING
                                        1. Figure out the AIM and PURPOSE of the experiment
                                          1. Use SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE
                                            1. Make sure the experiment is SAFE
                                              1. PREDICTION: Make a simple statement about what you think is going to happen
                                                1. PREDICTION: Make a prediction based on numbers or possible graphs.
                                                  1. Ensure that you have a clear and well thought out METHOD
                                                  2. Step 2: EVIDENCE
                                                    1. The results you obtain should be reliable and accurate. You should also know how to deal with anomalous results
                                                      1. Reliability: repeated results that are very similar. REPEATED at least 3 times to calculate an average
                                                        1. Accuracy:quality of apparatus and skill of the person measuring.
                                                        2. Recording RESULTS
                                                          1. Results should be recorded in a table including repeated results
                                                            1. Results must be recorded and displayed in atable where the iNDEPENDENT variable is in the left column
                                                              1. A seperate column to calculate the average should also be drawn and calculated at the end of the experiment and when all the anomalous results have been identified and disregarded
                                                            2. Step 3: ANALYSIS
                                                              1. After results are collected, a GRAPH should be drawn to clearly represent the results
                                                                1. Use a sensible SCALE
                                                                  1. Independent variable on x-axis while dependent goes on the y-axis
                                                                    1. Included labels with UNITS for both axes
                                                                      1. Include a title
                                                                        1. Circle any ANOMALOUS results
                                                                          1. Draw a line of best fit following the general trend of the points plotted without anomalous results
                                                                            1. Come to a conclusion and state what the graph shows you and what you have found out. Relate back to your prediction
                                                                          2. Step 4: EVALUATION
                                                                            1. This should involved commenting on how well the investigation went
                                                                              1. Evaluate how reliable and how accurate the results were
                                                                                1. Think about what improvements you could make eg. precision and validity.
                                                                                  1. See how you could avoid the limitations you faced this time
                                                                                  2. Take your work further
                                                                                    1. Changing one or more reactants using the same method
                                                                                      1. Using a different method eg. datalogger
                                                                                        1. Obtaining a wider range of results to support your investigation
                                                                                    2. Hazard Symbols
                                                                                        1. Highly Flammable
                                                                                          1. Toxic
                                                                                            1. Corrosive
                                                                                              1. Harmful
                                                                                                1. Oxidising Agent
                                                                                                  1. Irritant


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