Why did the communists succeed in 1949?


A level Chinese Mapa Mental sobre Why did the communists succeed in 1949?, criado por Maddie Thompson em 05-03-2021.
Maddie Thompson
Mapa Mental por Maddie Thompson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Maddie Thompson
Criado por Maddie Thompson mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Why did the communists succeed in 1949?
  1. Warfare techniques
    1. guerilla warfare
      1. Practised in Yan'an
        1. Used "liberated areas"
        2. PLA well disciplined
          1. Code of conduct
            1. Took in soldiers from NRA
              1. And had spies in NRA
            2. CCP able to use traditional warfare when they had control of most of China
              1. Chiang's failures
                1. Sending 200,00 troops into Machuria without supply lines
                  1. Xi'an incident- didn't listen to troops
                    1. Ignored US advice
                  2. Japanese Invasion 1937
                    1. Gave an oppourtunity for 2nd United Front
                      1. Xi'an incident embarrassed Chiang and made CCP seem more interested in China's success than their own
                        1. Chiang wanted to fight CCP more than Japanese
                        2. GMD couldn't attack CCP
                        3. Rape of Nanjing- Chiang's government ineffective
                          1. Oppourtunity for revolution- revolutions rooted in crisis
                            1. People wanted stability- not matter what government
                          2. Peasants
                            1. Mao broke with Moscow over issue
                              1. Allowed him to use Peasants instead of Proletariat as more peasants in China
                                1. Developed his own version of Marxism-Leninism
                                2. Chiang+ Japanese ignored importance of peasants
                                  1. So they were loyal to Mao and CCP
                                    1. Land reform, education, hospitals etc
                                  2. Yan'an soviet was experiment
                                  3. Yan'an
                                    1. Mao's research
                                      1. Developed Mao Zedong thought + cult of personality
                                      2. Tested Soviets
                                        1. Land reform, built schools etc
                                          1. Support from peasants


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