Duke of Somerset -DOS (Edward Seymour)


The Duke of Somerset
Alexandra Gough
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Alexandra Gough
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Resumo de Recurso

Duke of Somerset -DOS (Edward Seymour)
  1. The reign of Edward VI, 1547-53
    1. DOS seized control of the government, allowing Edward to have a trouble free accession
      1. Relied on the support of brother, Thomas Seymour, Archbishop Crammer, Viscount Lisle and Sir William Paget
        1. Awarded them with promotions and land
        2. Overthrew the Regency Council and governed with members of his family
          1. enforced control over Privy Council
        3. Rivalry with brother
          1. angered for being left out of Regency Council
            1. Tried to plot against Somerset with the Earl of Southhampton
              1. Somerset pressed treason charges and T.Seymour was denounced
            2. Wanted to unite England and Scotland by marrying Mary Queen of Scots to Edward
              1. Defended the Scots in the Battle of Pinkie in September 1547
                1. Built forts on the borders
                  1. The forts= expensive to garrison
                    1. Failed to understand the cooperation between Scotland and France
                      1. Failed to blockade the Firth of Forth properly, enabling the French to take Edinburgh
                        1. Somerset engaged in a military strategy that as too expensive
                          1. Paid by debasing the coinage
                            1. Heightened inflationary pressure = increased social distress
                  2. Deteriorating relationship with France --> Threat of war and prospect of invasion made Somerset vulnerable and heightened resentment in the Privy Council of his autocratic style of government
                  3. Religious Policies under Somerset
                    1. Welcomed radicals such as John Hooper and Thomas Becon into his home
                      1. Under Edward, policies moved in the direction of Protestantism
                        1. Proved cautious under Somerset as exemplified by the moderate Book of Common Prayer written in 1549 by Crammer
                          1. Much more radical approach taken despite public's opinion to embrace religious reforms
                            1. Sustained attack on popular religious practices in London
                            2. Injunctions issued by King (exercising royal supremacy)
                              1. Backed by Cromwell in 1538
                              2. Denunciations
                                1. Ash Wednesday: denounced images of saints and the use of holy water
                                  1. Acts of iconoclasm: the destruction of images within churches
                                  2. 1547 denunciations of images in London
                                    1. 1547 Injunctions of 1538 reissued
                                      1. New book of common prayer in English
                                        1. Act of Uniformity --> book is only legal form of worship
                                      2. Dissolution of the Chantries
                                        1. To get money for foreign policies and as purgatory was no longer in the doctrine
                                          1. However Chantries were also places of social events, charities and feasts and were now limited
                                    2. The fall of Somerset
                                      1. Gained enemies due to his dictorarial style
                                        1. Earl of Southhampton was against Somerset being the Protectorate and was removed from the council
                                          1. Later Southhampton was re-elected in by Somerset
                                          2. Opposition due to his running of the government and policies failing which annoyed his supporters
                                            1. Earl of Warwick believed he was responsible for the 1549 rebellions
                                              1. Also, Earl of Arundel and Lord St. John
                                              2. Tried to get Mary's support but she did not want to be a part of the scandal
                                                1. They were ready to plot by October with most of the council and Crammer (who had influence over the king) on their side
                                                  1. Somerset ordered Lord Russell and Sir Herbert to send troops to protect him but they did not
                                                    1. Somerset's followers arrested (Sir Michael Stanhope and Sir Thomas Smith)
                                                      1. The king and Somerset were at Hampton Court but the King left for Windsor and Somerset surrendered as he was promised to not be charged with treason
                                                        1. Northumberland took over
                                                          1. Allowed Somerset to rejoin the council but he tried to direct a coup and was executed
                                              3. Background
                                                1. Joined the court in his teens
                                                  1. Experienced soldier
                                                    1. Brother to Jane Seymour who married Henry VIII
                                                      1. Political prominence
                                                      2. 1536 became Viscount Beauchamp
                                                        1. 1537, Member of the Privy and Earl of Hertford
                                                          1. Uncle to Edward VI
                                                            1. Became Lord Protector following Henry VIII's death
                                                              1. Named himself the Duke Of Somerset


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