describe the formation of an optical image by a
plane mirror, and give its characteristics
recall that the image in a plane mirror is virtual
perform simple constructions,
measurements and calculations for
reflection by plane mirrors
recall and use the law
angle of incidence =
angle of reflection
3.2.2 Refraction of light
describe an experimental
demonstration of the
refraction of light
recall and use the definition
of refractive index n in terms
of speed
recall and use the equation sin i / sin r = n
use the terminology for
the angle of incidence i
and angle of refraction r
describe the passage of light through
parallel-sided transparent material
recall and use n = 1/sin c
give the meaning of critical angle
describe internal
and total internal
describe and explain the
action of optical fibres
particularly in medicine and
communications thechnology
3.2.3 Thin converging lens
describe the action
of a thin converging
lens on a beam of
use the terms ..
focal length
principal focus
draw ray diagrams
for the formation
of a real image by a
single lens
draw and use
ray diagrams for
the formation
of a virtual
image by a
single lens
describe the nature of an
image using the terms ....
enlarged/same size/diminished
use and describe the use of a single
lens as a magnifying glass
show understanding of the terms
real image and virtual image
3.2.4 Dispersion of light
give a qualitative account of the dispersion of light as
shown by the action on light of a glass prism including
the seven colours of the spectrum in their correct order
recall that light of a single frequency is
described as monochromatic