
Oposición Temario 1993 Mapa Mental sobre TOPIC 1, criado por fcojavieralv em 22-10-2013.
Mapa Mental por fcojavieralv, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por fcojavieralv quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso



  • Evolution of Language Teaching. Present-Day Trends in Teaching EFL. Communicative Approaches.
  • Evolution of Language Teaching. Present-Day Trends in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Communicative Approaches.
  1. 2. Evolution in the Didactics of Languages
    1. 2.1 Pre-19th Century Trends
      1. 2.2 First Modern Approaches to the teaching of Modern languages
        1. a) The Grammar-translation method
          1. b) The Direct method and the Natural Approach
          2. 2.3 Twentieth Century Innovations
            1. a) The Situational approach
              1. b) The Audio-lingual method
                1. c) The Cognitive approach in FLT
                  1. d) The Affective-humanistic approach
                    1. i) Communicative Language Learning
                      1. ii) Desuggestopedia
                      2. e) The Communicative approach
                    2. 3. Present-Day Trends in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
                      1. 3.1) Procedural Approaches
                        1. a) Task-based models
                          1. b) Content-based language teaching
                          2. 3.2) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
                            1. 3.3) The Use of the Internet in foreign language teaching
                            2. 4. Communicative approaches
                              1. 4.1) Reviewing the Principles
                                1. a) Goals
                                  1. b) Roles of the teacher and the students
                                    1. c) Characteristics of the Teaching/Learning Process
                                      1. d) Interaction: Student-Teacher & Student-Student
                                        1. e) Dealing with feelings
                                          1. f) View of Language and Culture
                                            1. g) Aspects of language emphasized
                                              1. h) Role of Student's native language
                                                1. i) Means for evaluation
                                                  1. j) Response to students' errors
                                                  2. 4.2) Reviewing Techniques and Materials
                                                    1. a) Authentic materials
                                                      1. b) Scambled sentences
                                                        1. c) Language games
                                                          1. d) Picture Strip Story
                                                            1. e) Role plays
                                                              1. f) Total Physical Response
                                                            2. 5. Conclusion
                                                              1. 6. Curricular links
                                                                1. 7. Bibliography
                                                                  1. 1. Introduction


                                                                    3. The Communication Process. Functions of languages. Language in Use. Negotiation of meaning.
                                                                    Topic 1-3
                                                                    gerard fauria
                                                                    2. General theories of FL learning and acquisition. Interlanguage and the treatment of error
                                                                    AT Alni
                                                                    3. The Communication Process. Functions of languages. Language in Use. Negotiation of meaning.
                                                                    Montse Diaz
                                                                    Português concurso
                                                                    Roberta Souza
                                                                    Guia de Redação do Vestibular
                                                                    Alessandra S.
                                                                    CAE - Cambridge Advanced: English
                                                                    Luiz Fernando
                                                                    GESTAO ESTRATÉGICA DE RH
                                                                    Matheus Miranda
                                                                    ÁRVORE DOS SONHOS_UCBV
                                                                    SBMS SBMS
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                                                                    GoConqr suporte .