Feminism no longer has any relevance in 21st century politics.


A mind map based on a past exam question - Is feminism relevant in 21st century politics?
Joe Brown
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Joe Brown
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Feminism no longer has any relevance in 21st century politics.
  1. Yes - 20th century decade of feminism. In 1918 the Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act was passed, giving women suffrage and in the same year Constance Markievicz became the first female MP. 61 years later Britain had it's first female MP in the form of Margaret Thatcher.
    1. By the 21st century, women's equality had come a long way. In 1997 New Labour's 'All-Women Shortlists' resulted in 101 female MP's being elected in 1998.
      1. HOWEVER Anne Widdecombe, a woman who describes herself as "a feminist in the 1970's sense" criticises All-Women Shortlists, stating women who faught for women's equality "wanted equal opportunities not special privileges"
        1. Following the 2015 general election, 1/3 of David Cameron's government were women. In total 191 female MPs were elected - the most it has ever had.
          1. HOWEVER still culture of sexism within politics. For example Labour MP Angela Eagle was famously put down in the House of Commons by David Cameron when he told her to "Calm down, dear".
            1. Labour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman said "Women in Britain in the 21st century do not expect to be told to 'calm down, dear' by the Prime Minister".
              1. UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom called a room of female journalists 'sluts' in 2013. He also confessed to going to brothels in Hong Kong and said "in short, most girls do it because they like it".
        2. No - Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted in the UK each year. Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin said "As long as there is rape...there is not going to be any peace or justice or equality or freedom". From 2012 and 2013, 1.2 million women suffered from domestic abuse.
          1. Carol Hinisch popularized the phrase "the personal is political" meaning it's politicians responsibility to delve into the private sphere, such as the family.
            1. HOWEVER in the 2015 general election domestic abuse was a huge political agenda. The Conservatives promised to prioritise tackling violence against women and girls, whilst Labour promised to publish a 'Violence Against Women and Girls' Bill as well as provide more stable, cental funding for women's refuge's and Rape Crisis Centre's.
              1. Female genital mutilation is also a problem in the UK. Approximately 66,000 girls in the UK have suffered the consequences of it with a further 20,000 at the risk of being circumcised.
                1. In February 2014, the UK government declared it's commitment to "preventing and ending this extremely harmful form of violence".
              2. Difference feminists would also argue that women in other parts of the world are still denied the kind of rights now taken for granted in the Western world.
                1. For example, statistics may vary across the mainstream media, but it is believed that between 1,000 and 7,000 Yazadi women have been abducted by ISIL and being sold as sex slaves.
                  1. HOWEVER British government is committed to ending this. The UK are part of a coalition consisting of 60 other countries. It is also providing £59.5 million in humanitarian aid to refugee's fleeing ISIL. David Cameron also joined in the 'Bring Back our Girls' Campaign.
                    1. William Hague, the Prime Minisiters Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, has been working with Angelina Jolie to end violence against women setting up a new Centre for Women, Peace and Security in early 2015.


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