L2 Calculus


NCEA Level 2 Mathematics Mapa Mental sobre L2 Calculus, criado por Louise Addison em 23-10-2013.
Louise Addison
Mapa Mental por Louise Addison, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Louise Addison
Criado por Louise Addison quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

L2 Calculus
  1. Differentiation
    1. Finding the gradient or rate of change at a point (Differentiate, substitute in the x value)
      1. Find the equation of a tangent (Use y-y1=m(x-x1)
        1. Find the equation of a normal (Use m1xm2=-1 and y-y1=m(x-x1)
        2. Find velocity given distance
          1. Find acceleration given velocity or distance
          2. Find the point with a certain gradient (Differentiate, set equal to gradient given, solve for x, substitute to find y / f(x)
            1. Find where increasing / decreasing (Differentiate, solve f'(x)>0 or f'(x) <0)
              1. Finding turning points (Differentiate, solve f'(x)=0)
                1. Finding maximums and minimums (Find equation to maximise or minimise, differentiate, solve f'(x)=0 to find where max/min occurs, substitute into f(x) to find max or min
                  1. Prove a point is max or min (Find f''(x), if f''(x)>0 then a min, if f''(x)<0 then a max, if f''(x)=0 we cannot tell
                    1. Find max or min distance (where v=0)
                      1. Find max or min velocity (where a=0)
                2. Anti-differentiation
                  1. Finding the function from the gradient function and a point (Anti-differentiate, substitute in point to find c)
                    1. Find a point on the orginal cuve or function (Find original function, substitute or solve to find point
                      1. Find velocity given acceleration
                        1. Find distance given velocity or acceleration
                      2. Sketching functions
                        1. Sketch function from gradient function (x-intercepts become turning points, above y-axis is increasing, below y-axis is decreasing
                          1. Sketch velocity function from acceleration function
                            1. Sketch distance function from velocity function
                            2. Sketch gradient function from function (Turning points becomes x-intercepts, Increasing is above y-axis, decreasing is below y-axis
                              1. Sketch acceleration function from velocity function
                                1. Sketch velocity function from distance function
                              2. Kinematics


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