Conservative attitudes to lone parents


A-Levels SOCI1003 Mapa Mental sobre Conservative attitudes to lone parents, criado por Sarah Cake em 23-10-2013.
Sarah Cake
Mapa Mental por Sarah Cake, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Cake
Criado por Sarah Cake mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Conservative attitudes to lone parents
  1. Attitude towards people dependent on state benefits - something for nothing culture.
    1. lots of rhetoric about the lazy and scroungers - back lash to undeserving poor
      1. Reduction in child tax credits and childcare element of working tax credits
      2. Attitudes to lone parents working economic situation
        1. Activation to work policies to reduce dependency on state benefits
          1. Problems relating to childcare costs limiting entry into employment. Universal credit implementation
          2. Realisation that majority of lone parents are below the poverty line.
            1. Employment seen as the way to escape poverty
              1. Reduction of services in terms of sure start and other support.
                1. Enter text here


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