

Case Study of Ana
Mapa Mental por aimeechard3, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por aimeechard3 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Personal and Family Factors
    1. Ana is entering SK in the fall. She has a brother who attends the same school and will be going into grade 4. Ana was born in Canada but her parents came to Canada 9 years ago. They have relatives who also live in the same town who moved to Canada prior to Ana's parents. There is no settlement support for the family. Parents speak little English but are VERY supportive and want to help!
      1. We could invite Ana's Brother to come to the classrooms for visits and to learn with Ana. He could do some sharing about their culture and language. We could get Ana involved by having her share with her brother about themselves. We would start out with her in front of the class with her brother and then when she got comfortable she could do it independently. Her brother also has a good grasp on Vietnamese so it would be a good way to start getting Ana to use some of her L1.
        1. School Staff would work with school and board to get some support for Ana's family so they have access to community resources.
    2. Proficiency in L1 and L2
      1. Vietnamese is L1. English is NOT spoken at home. Ana's Parents read Vietnamese paper and other text at home. Ana understands some English but speaks very little. Ana uses gestures while communicating. As she progressed through JK she used simple words like yes and no. She can repeat words spoken to her and is learning simple phrases like 'need help' Ana is not comfortable speaking in front of peers and some teaching staff. There is currently no access to Dual Language books for Ana.
        1. Ways to Support Ana in learning both L1 and L2: Encourage parents to speak Vietnamese with Ana at home so she can communicate in her first language., especially key words like yes, no, please, help etc. Encourage Ana's parents to expose her to Vietnamese print at home. We will use a variety of resources, manipulatives and visual supports to keep Ana moving forward. Connect parents wit community resources that can help them be involved in the community and learn English themselves so they can better support Ana. Through encouraging Ana to use and being exposed to Vietnamese language it will help Ana to learn English. It is important to promote the learning of Ana's first language so she knows that it is an important part of her and her family lives and culture. She needs to feel proud of her language and culture. By having the school show that Vietnamese is important by having words labelled in Vietnamese and provide resources for Ana to use in L1 she will feel more welcome.
          1. Use Resources found in Etivity 8 including Timblebooks and Dual Language books on the internet n order to assist Ana in learning English and Vietnamese. When ready give Ana the opportunity to create her own dual language books and own stories with support as needed. Support Ana in creating picture dictionaries where she can label words in L1 and L2.
            1. WE need to understand that ELL's may go through a Silent Period and that even when they are not orally communicating students are still observing and learning language. Ensure we are modelling and displaying language to provide Ana with a rich learning environment.
          2. Social Factors
            1. Ana is a friendly child who gets along well with her peers. She likes to play and can be social. She tends to be a shy and quieter child, especially in front of the class or with teachers. There are no other Vietnamese speaking students or staff at the school other than her brother. Through other students modelling how to interest with the teacher, Ana had started to say things like 'hi' to teachers.
              1. Provide Ana with opportunities to interact with peers in a more 'fun ' setting. We could have a games/activity club based on Ana's interest. Through this we can encourage her to interact with peers in a smaller group setting as well as develop her English skills.
                1. We will praise Ana's effort when she is orally interacting with peers and teachers. This may help her to feel confident and encouraged to use English more often.
                  1. We could pair Ana with JK students so she can be a 'leader' with things she already is confident doing like tying shows. She would feel comfortable since she would be with a peer and it would give her practice using English and building friendships.
                2. Learning Environment
                  1. In FDK program environment where the school staff have developed routines and schedules for Ana with visuals. English is spoken and written all over the classroom. Ana plays at a wide range of centres throughout the day.
                    1. WE need to ensure that the classroom environment is made to be inclusive to all students, We will provide a chance for each child to share about their language and culture by creating a class "All about me book" and having a "family day'" at school where we bring in a couple items from home about our family. We need to give Ana TIME to get comfortable sharing and progressing with using language. We also will appeal to Ana's interests by developing centres that interest her.
                      1. In Order to promote language growth we could have Ana go on 'Word Hunts' with a buddy to find labelled words in the classroom for various objects.(part of writing essentials). Also as part of the basics of writing we need to teach Ana the proper ways to construct letters. For example, starting at the top. By doing this she will be able to create letters independently rather than having to copy them.
                        1. Create a welcoming learning environment for Ana: We will provide her with opportunities for small group learning where she feels more comfortable. We will give Ana CHOICE in her learning so that she in taking part in activities that interest her and meet her need of feeling safe and build her confidence. We will make sure that within the learning environment oral and written language is available and being modeled by teachers and students. Objects and items around the classroom will be labelled in English and Vietnamese as much as possible.
                      2. Academic Achievement
                        1. Ana would be placed at Step 1 in all areas. No formal assessments have been done since Ana is only in Kindergarten. This is Ana's first time in a school setting and an English spoken setting. Ana does NOT know her letters and sounds. She can draw and copy letters with success. During Self Selected Reading she will sit and hold the book properly and turn the pages. She has started to grasp finger matching through guided reading groups. By the end of JK Ana skill relied on visuals for support.
                          1. Ana is on the cusp of STEP 2 for ORAL language so we need to support her by: making her feel comfortable orally sharing with her peers., provide her with lots of small group learning opportunities and using vocabulary that Ana has already mastered to start joining words to make sentences rather than just saying one or two word phrases.
                            1. Since Ana can copy letters successfully, the next step would be to understand what each letter is and the sounds the letters make. We want Ana to start being able to write words and understand words that are personally meaningful to her including her name and things that are in the classroom. We will use a morning message that will help Ana to start recognizing meaning full words and help her learn letter sounds and letter sound combinations. We will teach Ana POPCORN words (word wall words) to help broaden her vocabulary and prepare her for creating her own sentences when ready.
                              1. We will use a cross curricular approach when teaching Ana writing and reading. We will use ART to engaged her since she spends alot of time at the creation station. Areas like music, drama and dance will be other areas that will also Ana to further develop her language skills while being engaged.
                                1. Ana will be supported through one on one and small group instruction for learning her letters and sounds.
                                  1. There are no special education concerns at this time. We will use DI techniqes like visuals and technology to help Ana be engaged. Once Ana is comfortable using the internet at school we ill send home instructions on how to use those same online resources at home since her family does have access to a computer and internet at home. Her brother could help support her at home.


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