Activities and Interests


activities and interests
tom nielsen
Mapa Mental por tom nielsen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
tom nielsen
Criado por tom nielsen mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Activities and Interests
  1. Computers
    1. computer games
      1. Learning programs
        1. Ipads
        2. Play Doh
          1. Playgrounds
            1. Sand pit
              1. Toy Cars
                1. Slides
                  1. Swings
                  2. Construction blocks
                    1. Painting
                      1. Face painting
                        1. Board Games
                          1. Fake kitchen
                            1. Scooters


                              RE Keywords - Paper 1 - Religion and life
                              Kerris Linney
                              STEM AND LEAF DIAGRAMS
                              Elliot O'Leary
                              Forces and their effects
                              Matters of Life and Death GCSE
                              Educational Technology QUIZ 1
                              Mirna Uribe
                              Key Words - Weather and Climate
                              Tom Pass
                              How to Improve Learning in the Right Brain.
                              Anton Burog
                              Computing - Chapter one summary -
                              Beenish Shabir
                              Mass Media & Crime
                              Ashleigh Gildroy
                              Exam Technique- King Lear and Oedipus Rex
                              soozi fullstop
                              Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impacts of Digital Technology on Wider Society
                              Mateusz Zawadzki