Anion Formation


Mapa Mental sobre Anion Formation, criado por Katherine Marie Muller Ventura em 04-06-2021.
Katherine Marie Muller Ventura
Mapa Mental por Katherine Marie Muller Ventura, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Katherine Marie Muller Ventura
Criado por Katherine Marie Muller Ventura quase 4 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Anion Formation
  1. Anions are the negative ions formed when an atom gains one or more electrons.
    1. When nonmetals gain electrons, they gain as much as they need to fullfill their outermost principal energy level with eight electrons.
      1. Outer electron configurations are constant within a group, so the pattern of atom formation repeats itself.
        1. The outermost prinicpal level is usually an octet.

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