Acids, Bases, PH and Buffers


Clarissa Mackay
Mapa Mental por Clarissa Mackay, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Clarissa Mackay
Criado por Clarissa Mackay mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Acids, Bases, PH and Buffers
    1. Acid - Substance that release Hydrogen ions H+
      1. Strong acids completely dissociates
        1. Hydrochloric acid -HCl (Stomach)
          1. Lactic acid - C3H6O3
          2. Weak acids - does not dissociate
            1. Carbonic acid -H2CO3
              1. Cellular respiration - C02 + H20 > H2C03
              2. Amino acid
                1. Carboxylic acid - fatty acids
                  1. methanoic acid
                    1. ethanoic acid
                    2. Ascorbic acid - Vitamin C
                  2. Base - Substance that take up H+, Proton acceptors, aka alkali
                    1. Strong base - Completely dissociates
                      1. NaOH > NA + OH- Sodium hydroxide
                      2. Weak acid - does not dissociate
                        1. Magnesium Hydroxide - antacid
                          1. Aqueous ammonia - urine Amino group in proteins
                      3. Ionize
                        1. To dissociate into electrically charged species - H20 > H+ (acid) + OH- (base)
                        2. PH SCALE
                          1. Proportion of Hydrogens
                            1. 0-14
                              1. More H+, PH goes down 6-1
                                1. OH-, PH goes up 8
                                  1. PH = 7.35-7.45 BLOOD - NEEDS to be in this range
                                  2. ACIDOSIS - PH Below -7.35, INCREASED h+ concentration
                                    1. Respiratory Acidosis
                                      1. Higher CO2 > Higher H2Co3 > Higher H+
                                        1. Hypoventilation due to asthma, COPD, oedma
                                          1. Symptoms - Shortness of breath, arrhythmia, increased heart rate, Headaches
                                          2. Respiratory acidosis is when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide the body produces. This causes body fluids, especially the blood, to become too acidic
                                            1. Lactoacidosis, anaerobic glycoysis
                                            2. Metabolic Acidosis
                                              1. Metabolic acidosis is increased acid produced or ingested by the body, the decreased renal excretion of acid, or bicarbonate loss from the body.
                                                1. Symptoms - Confusion, drowsiness, decreased BP, Kussmal respiration
                                                  1. Causes by
                                                    1. Diarrohea - LOss of Bicorbonate ions
                                                      1. fasting/starving - DIABETIES
                                                        1. Diabetic ketoacidosis
                                                          1. No insuline to move glucose, uses fat = creates keatones
                                                        2. Kidney failure
                                                          1. do not excrete H+ in urine
                                                          2. Lactoacidosis- shock
                                                            1. Low HC03-
                                                          3. Blood test results
                                                            1. Normal range PH 7.35-7.45 PACO2 4.7-6.0. kPA HC0-3 -19-29mmol/l
                                                              1. Respiratory
                                                                1. If the PH is point in the opposite direction to the PaCo2 and HC0-3
                                                                2. Metabolic
                                                                  1. If all 3 values are pointing in the same direction e.g low ph, low PaCo2, low HC03- or High, high, high
                                                                3. At Altitude Ph will rise, PCo2 will fall
                                                              2. ALKALOSIS - PH Above 7.45 decrease h+ concentration
                                                                1. Respiratory Alkalosis
                                                                  1. Hyperventilation
                                                                    1. Rise in PH, decrease Pco2, decrease H+
                                                                      1. Light headedness, hypokalemia, numbness
                                                                    2. Metabolic Alkalosis
                                                                      1. Caused by vomiting - getting ride of H+ (hydrochloric acid), Diuretics increases urine output. alkaline drug, dehydration
                                                                        1. Increase HC03- (bicarbonate)
                                                                          1. Confusion, tremors, muscle cramps, restlessness
                                                                      2. Buffers
                                                                        1. acid-balance regulation - resist ph change, can be acid or base Buffers are compounds which maintain constant PH when an acid or alkais are added
                                                                          1. Carbonic acid/bicarbonate - ECF buffer
                                                                            1. c02 + h20 <> H2Co3 <> H+ hC03- <> H+ cO3-2
                                                                              1. Acts as both a acid and base - system fails with respiratory system problems
                                                                            2. Phosphate Buffer system
                                                                              1. ICF - H+ release Urine
                                                                                1. H2P04- and HPo42-
                                                                              2. Haemoglobin
                                                                                1. Transports Co2
                                                                                  1. Buffers Co2 - CO2 + H20 + H2C03


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