Definition : supporting is the act of making it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one's
services or resources.
Existing types of support
Peer support: Friends and colleagues can greatly impact and help vulnerable people, for example, a
child might get bullied for having a mental disorder but the friends of the child can stand up for him
Online groups which may provide additional help, such as
contacts to call and ask help for to make it easier
Professional help such as nurses for Old people in care homes.
A physical product that could make daily activities much easier such as remembering
which tablets need to be taken or have already been taken.
Special educational needs for students with physical or mental disorders is pro vided by the
government in the UK
There are homeless shelters that provide a meal, a blanket or provide temporary accommodation for
little to no cost
There are many local support groups to help with arthritis and the NRAS.
There is therapy available for people with depression and many other forms of support .
Charitable organisations
Existing Products that help
There are hand massagers and gloves spcifically for people with arthirits
There are antideprsants for people suffering with depression
There are weighted blankets on the market for people suffering withj Anxiety
Definition: Vulnerability refers to the inability to withstand the effects of a hostile environment. A
window of vulnerability is a time frame within which defensive measures are diminished,
compromised or lacking.
Examples of vulnerable people
Pregnant women
Elderly people
Cyclists on road
women and children very late at night
Economically disadvantaged people
Racial and ethnic minorities
The homeless
individuals with severe mental illness or