characteristics of individuals withinthe group


Higher School Certificate Community & Family Studies Mapa Mental sobre characteristics of individuals withinthe group, criado por Lauren Walker em 21-06-2021.
Lauren Walker
Mapa Mental por Lauren Walker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lauren Walker
Criado por Lauren Walker mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

characteristics of individuals withinthe group
  1. Gender
    1. men may not access services (specifically mental health as much as women due to stereotypes
    2. Age
      1. distant education means that there is less school based support and services
        1. more services avaliable to middle aged and retired people due to larger age groups
        2. Level of Education
          1. location away from schools may mean that individuals will not complete higher levels of education (year 12, university), thus will access financial servuces as they don't recieve money from a high paying job
          2. Culture
            1. more access to services for Indigenous Australians due to inequities regarding life expectancy gap, education gap etc
            2. Type of Disability
              1. lack of access to specialist services (physio) due to location
                1. isolation from major cities may cause mental health issues, making individuals more susceptible to access counselling services
                2. First Language Spoken
                  1. first languages (other than english) may cause communication barriers, restricting access to numerous services
                  2. Socioeconomic Status
                    1. low income = not enough money to pay for required services (eg, private health care & specialist)
                      1. low income = more access to financial support


                      Lauren Walker
                      aspects of the service
                      Lauren Walker
                      Preliminary core: Individuals and Groups
                      Preliminary core: Resource Managment
                      Parenting and Caring
                      Resource Management
                      Evie Price
                      Access to resources
                      Power bases
                      Ella Udechuku
                      Support for Parents & Carers
                      Resource Management
                      Resource management
                      Queenie Duong