Reasons for Relationship Breakdown


AS level Psychology- JYO (Relationships) Mapa Mental sobre Reasons for Relationship Breakdown, criado por soozi fullstop em 02-11-2013.
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Mapa Mental por soozi fullstop, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por soozi fullstop quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Reasons for Relationship Breakdown
  1. Lack of Skills
    1. Emotional intelligence
      1. social skills
        1. interpersonal skills
          1. tact
          2. Lack of Stimulation
            1. boredom
              1. relationship direction
                1. bored of the same person
                  1. no marriage/ child prospects
                    1. No change/development in the relatoinship
                    2. Maintenance Difficulties
                      1. Don't like their friends
                        1. Long distance relationships
                          1. Not being able to see the other enough
                            1. e.g. one works nights, the other days
                              1. School-romance breaks up when they go to different unis


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