Acids and Bases_2


NCEA Science Mapa Mental sobre Acids and Bases_2, criado por Diego Nacu em 23-08-2015.
Diego Nacu
Mapa Mental por Diego Nacu, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Kirsty Rorrison
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Diego Nacu
Copiado por Diego Nacu aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Acids and Bases_2
  1. Acids
    1. release positively charged hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water
      1. when the hydrogen atoms combine with water molecules, hydronium ions form
      2. can conduct electricity
        1. some can eat away metals (corrosive)
          1. a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red and red litmus paper blue, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. Aqueous solutions of acids have a pH of less than 7.
            1. when an acid and a base react, they form a salt
            2. Bases
              1. contain hydrogen, but form hydroxide ions when dissolved in water
                1. can conduct electricity since they contain ions
                  1. can't eat away metals (not corrosive), since hydroxide ions don't react with metal
                    1. substances that, in aqueous solution, are slippery to the touch, taste bitter, change the color of indicators (e.g., turn red litmus paper blue and blue litmus paper red) and react with acids to form salts. Aqueous solutions of bases have a pH of more than 7.
                      1. when an acid and a base react, they form a salt
                      2. Acid rain
                        1. rain affected by pollution
                          1. harms ecosystems and the environment
                            1. volcanos, forest fires and lightening strikes are natural contributers to acid rain
                            2. pH scale
                              1. buffers
                                1. can block changes in pH for a period of time
                                  1. are made by combining weak acids and weak bases, and also can occur naturally
                                  2. measures the potential of hydrogen (or the acidity of a solution)
                                    1. <7 is an acid
                                      1. 7 is neutral
                                        1. >7 is a base


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