The Rainforest


Mapa Mental sobre The Rainforest, criado por Mairi Robertson em 06-11-2013.
Mairi  Robertson
Mapa Mental por Mairi Robertson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mairi  Robertson
Criado por Mairi Robertson quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Rainforest
  1. Social Subjects
    1. Research in groups one rainforest each - Geography.
      1. Climates - Exploring climates compared with us.
      2. Health and Wellbeing
        1. Healthy foods which may come from plants and trees within the rainforest - Possibly a fruit tasting session - Could be followed by a sense poem linking to literacy.
          1. HWB 2-35b
          2. Run through the Jungle game - Children must act out a rainforest animal and avoid imaginary objects - PE and links to Drama.
            1. HWB 2-21a
          3. RME
            1. Groups of people who live in the rainforest - traditions, religions etc.
            2. Literacy
              1. Conservation of the Rainforest - Write letters and create information leaflets to make people aware of rainforest conservation.
                1. Lit 2-20a Lit 2-22a Lit 2-23a
                2. Create a writing piece about school trip to zoo.
                  1. Lit 2-22a Lit 2-23a
                  2. Fruit tasting sense poem.
                    1. Lit 2-24a
                  3. Maths
                    1. Measuring rainfall - Graph making - Could incorporate outdoor learning - measuring our rainfall.
                      1. MNU 2-11b MNU 2-20a
                      2. Temperatures - Possibly compared with Scotland's tempreatures
                        1. Problem Solving - If this many acres of the rainforest is destroyed in one year, how many acres will be left in 20 years? Research opportunities also.
                        2. Expressive Arts
                          1. Art
                            1. Create your own rainforest - use appropriate materials. Links to sciences.
                              1. EXA 2-02a
                              2. Creating animal masks. - Could be used in opera.
                                1. Henri Rousseau's work on portraying rainforests - Use his techniques to create rainforest artwork.
                                  1. EXA 2-02a EXA 2-03a
                                  2. Turn the classroom into a rainforest - Could invite parents to take a tour and children are tour guides to show what they have learned.
                                  3. Music
                                    1. Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe (Scottish Opera).
                                      1. EXA 2-17a
                                      2. Use chart song and change the words to relate to the rainforest - Group work.
                                        1. EXA 2-17a
                                      3. Drama
                                        1. Hot seating - People or animals who live in the rainforest.
                                          1. Run through the jungle - Explained in health and wellbeing.
                                            1. EXA 2-12a
                                          2. Dance
                                            1. Rainforest animal dance - Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe - Also links with music.
                                              1. EXA 2-08a
                                          3. Sciences
                                            1. The different layers of a rainforest - Forest floor, Understory, Canopy and Emergent Layer.
                                              1. Materials to make a rainforest.
                                                1. Why are trees important? - Dangers of chopping them down - opportunities for outdoor learning.
                                                  1. SCN 2-02a
                                                  2. Outdoor learning - Plants and plant adaptations - Provide venus fly trap plant.
                                                    1. SCN 2-02a SCN 2-14a
                                                      1. SCN 2-02b
                                                      2. Animals - Possibly zoo visit to classify different animal types.
                                                        1. SCN 2-01a
                                                      3. Technologies
                                                        1. Research different animals of the rainforest - Create a presentation in groups.
                                                          1. EXA 2-01a TCH 2-03b


                                                        Porcentagens e Frações
                                                        Quimica Inorganica
                                                        Comunicação de Dados e Redes
                                                        Plano de Estudos com Mapas Mentais
                                                        Alessandra S.
                                                        Imunizações na Pediatria
                                                        Controle de Constitucionalidade
                                                        Carlos Moradore
                                                        Espécies de Agente Público
                                                        1º Lista de exercícios - Limites
                                                        Professor José
                                                        Igor -
                                                        MEMÓRIA BRILHANTE Tony Buzan
                                                        Ricardo GAldino