

Por: Maria Emilia Peñafiel
María Emilia Peñafiel
Mapa Mental por María Emilia Peñafiel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
María Emilia Peñafiel
Criado por María Emilia Peñafiel mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. The role of buisness
    1. The objective of a business is to satisfy what customers needs and what they want
      1. All organizations must have human, physical and financial resources
        1. Resource inputs
          1. Human: Means the workers, the personnel
            1. Physical: means the necessary equipment, space and material needed, mainly raw materials
              1. Financial: means the capital needed to start a business and for it to be sustainable
                1. Enterprice: means to create an organization, a brand or an industry.
                2. Processes to add value
                  1. Production
                    1. Product outputs
                      1. Services: is the activities offered by companies to satisfy a customer's needs
                        1. Goods: This means the product that we can take to our homes,
                        2. The activity that provides added value through the creation of products and service


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