The cold war - Stalin tightens his control


Grade 12 History ( The Cold War) Mapa Mental sobre The cold war - Stalin tightens his control, criado por amarahpeck em 08-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por amarahpeck, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por amarahpeck quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The cold war - Stalin tightens his control
  1. Eastern European countries = weak = needed to be rehabilitated = they made teritorial advances
    1. They pushed people out and occupied spaces using USSR communist armies
      1. Eastern European countries became soviet satellite = had own govt. but lived under communist rules
        1. According to Yalta: democratic govt was supposed to be allowed but USSR still became communist
          1. They have great territorial advances through eastern Europe. Stalin put into place communism and took out any communist opposition = west got Scared
            1. The East
              1. Felt Vulnerable = atomic bomb = needed to protect herself
                1. Gaining territory = got resources = strained after war
                  1. Stalin wanted to create buffer zone = Germany
                    1. Buffer Zone = neutral area used by one area to create barrier or separate
                    2. pattern of conquest = was to spread communism
                    3. THE WEST
                      1. Realised stalin was a dictator = Hugely alarmed
                        1. West didn't want another war
                          1. 1946 Church hill makes iron curtain specch
                            1. Iron curtain split Europe into two
                              1. West being individual , democratic liberated,
                                1. East is Limited, communist. He says that allies must combat the situation


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