P1 - Fashion buying (Kiera Honey) The life of a BAA


Mapa Mental sobre P1 - Fashion buying (Kiera Honey) The life of a BAA, criado por kieralouise-x em 11-09-2015.
Mapa Mental por kieralouise-x, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por kieralouise-x mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

P1 - Fashion buying (Kiera Honey) The life of a BAA
  1. Daily tasks
    1. Supporting the buyer
      1. Trend research
        1. Phone and email enquiries
          1. Ordering stock and checking delivery
            1. Coffe and lunch runs
              1. Filing and tidying the office
              2. Competencies needed for the role
                1. Understanding your brand and customer
                  1. Working with people
                    1. Making the right choices
                      1. Supporting the business
                        1. Plan and prioritises work
                          1. Managing the order process
                          2. Who they work with
                            1. Buyers assistant
                              1. Assistant buyer
                                1. Buyer
                                  1. Head of category (e.g. dresses)
                                    1. Head of division
                              2. The BAA would report back to the buyers assistant and on some occasions the assistant buyer
                              3. Skills needed
                                1. Creative skills
                                  1. Fashion flair, Trend spotting, Range spotting, Coordination, Colour mix, Styling details and Garment balance
                                  2. Business skills
                                    1. Organised, Professional, Commercial, Analytical, Multi-task, Teamwork, Manager, Negotiate and presentation
                                  3. Career opportunities
                                    1. To work their way up in a well known brand
                                      1. Head buyer
                                        1. Good experience


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