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Origin of the Universe
It is possible that this expansion of the universe stops and then begins to contract due to gravity. Over time this contraction will reach a point where the universe explodes. And again, the expansion of the universe will begin.
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Mapa Mental por
Lizeth Dltr
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Lizeth Dltr
aproximadamente 3 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Origin of the Universe
The universe appears from the ignorance of consciousness
The universe can be defined as the totality of everything that exist
The Big Bang theory was proposed by Lee Measure and Camo
An extremely hot fireball explodes and occurred almost 20 million years ago
This big bang was called the Big Bang
And the galaxies, these are stars that are still receding
the steady state theory was developed by Bondi, Thomas Gold, German and Fred Hoyle
According to this theory, the number of galaxies in the observable universe is constant
new galaxies are continually being created from empty space
According to this theory, it can be concluded that the total size of the mass of the observable universe is constan
the stable state of the universe is not disturbed at all
our universe is expanding and contracting alternately
The Big Bang theory says that our universe is expanding and will continue to expand
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