Yasser is falling behind


Mapa Mental sobre Yasser is falling behind, criado por almasa b em 15-11-2021.
almasa b
Mapa Mental por almasa b, atualizado more than 1 year ago
almasa b
Criado por almasa b quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Yasser is falling behind
  1. anatomy and histology of pituitary gland
    1. Brain
      1. forebrain
        1. Diencephalon
          1. ventral hypothalamus
            1. Pituitary gland
              1. hypothalamic nuclei and neuroendocrine cells
                1. Neurohypophysis
                  1. median eminence
                    1. infundibulum stem
                      1. pars nervosa
                      2. adenohypophysis
                        1. pars tuberalis
                          1. pars intermedia
                            1. pars distalis
                    1. normal growth rate
                      1. height
                        1. weight
                            1. growth spurts
                            2. diagnosis
                              1. Growth Hormone deficiency
                                1. pituitary gland doesnt produce enough growth hormone
                                  1. epidemiology
                                    1. around 1 in every 4000 children have GHD
                                    2. treatment
                                      1. investigations
                                        1. tests
                                          1. blood tests
                                            1. GH
                                              1. IGF-!
                                                1. CBC
                                                  1. serum protein
                                                  2. karyotyping
                                                    1. xrays
                                                      1. wrists
                                                    2. physical examination
                                                      1. growth chart
                                                        1. GHD
                                                          1. normal
                                                        2. Growth hormone
                                                          1. exerts effects on almost all tissues
                                                            1. indirectly
                                                              1. directly
                                                                1. bones
                                                                  1. muscles
                                                                    1. cartilage
                                                                      1. liver
                                                                        1. adipose tissue
                                                                          1. produced in anterior pituitary gland
                                                                            1. 191 amino acids-polypeptide chain-2 internal disulfide bridges
                                                                            2. clinical presentation
                                                                              1. acquired
                                                                                1. delayed puberty
                                                                                  1. baldness in men
                                                                                    1. reduced bone mass and osteoporosis
                                                                                      1. reduced energy
                                                                                        1. increased body fats
                                                                                2. congenital
                                                                                  1. growth failure
                                                                                    1. slower developmental milestones
                                                                                      1. reduced energy
                                                                                        1. impaired concentration
                                                                                          1. both height and weight lower than should be


                                                                              Fundamentos Químicos da vida
                                                                              Priscila Reinaldo
                                                                              Figuras de Linguagem
                                                                              Direito Adiministrativo
                                                                              Katiusce Cunha
                                                                              HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO NO BRASIL
                                                                              Introdução a Engenharia
                                                                              Português 1 - Sintaxe: Frase, Oração e Período
                                                                              ADMINISTRAÇÃO - OS CLÁSSICOS
                                                                              Nathalino Pachêco
                                                                              Sistema Único de Saúde
                                                                              Vanessa Campos
                                                                              Contextualização da Aula 3 - Tecnologia na Formação Profissional - SAÚDE
                                                                              Fabrícia Assunção