the human


cuerpo humano organismos ejemplos no muy avanzado
Mapa Mental por JUAN MANUEL AGUDELO MARTINEZ, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JUAN MANUEL AGUDELO MARTINEZ mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

the human
  1. eskeleton
    1. main funcion
      1. protect organs
        1. suport and stucture
          1. movement
            1. help produccion blood cells
            2. is do whith
              1. bones
              2. he is protecting
                1. heart
                  1. lungs
                    1. liver
                  2. muscular
                    1. main funcion
                      1. alow involuntary movements of the body
                        1. examples
                        2. allow voluntary movementsof the body
                          1. examples
                        3. is do for
                          1. muscles
                        4. circulation system
                          1. he do
                            1. blood move in all body (to the sells)
                              1. the blood transport with thw help of oxigen
                                1. distubutes nutrients and harmones
                                  1. distribute wastes to the kydnes
                                  2. important part
                                    1. blood vessels
                                    2. important part
                                      1. heart
                                    3. respyratory system
                                      1. he do
                                        1. takes air to the lungs (oxigen)
                                          1. relaises carbon dioxic
                                            1. important pats
                                              1. trachea
                                                1. nose
                                                2. importtant parts
                                                  1. brunchi
                                                    1. lungs
                                                3. digestive system
                                                  1. organs that use teh digestive sistem
                                                    1. small indestien
                                                      1. esophagus
                                                        1. stomach
                                                          1. salivary glands
                                                            1. liver
                                                            2. pancreas
                                                              1. large intestien
                                                              2. How does digestion occur?
                                                                1. 1.Ingestion
                                                                  1. enter food to the mouth
                                                                  2. 2.Mechanical digestion
                                                                    1. chew the food and pass
                                                                    2. 3.Chemical digestion
                                                                      1. enzymes and digestive secretions
                                                                      2. 4.Absorption
                                                                        1. tarnsport nutrients to de blood and the blood to the body
                                                                        2. 5.Elimination
                                                                          1. do pop with all we don't can't digest
                                                                      3. nervus system
                                                                        1. organs that use teh nervus sistem
                                                                          1. cerebellum
                                                                            1. brain stem
                                                                              1. brain
                                                                                1. nerves
                                                                                  1. spinal cord
                                                                                  2. How does digestion occur?
                                                                                    1. 8.Secretin and Cholecystokinin
                                                                                      1. 7.Secretin and Cholecystokinin
                                                                                        1. 6.Gastrin
                                                                                          1. 5.Cholecystokinin
                                                                                            1. 9.Secretin and Cholecystokinin
                                                                                              1. 4.Secretin and Cholecystokinin
                                                                                                1. 3.Hormones are released
                                                                                                  1. 2.Hypothalamus
                                                                                                    1. 1.Stimuli


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