

Mapa Mental sobre History, criado por syards321 em 13-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por syards321, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por syards321 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Causes of WW2
    1. 1. The Treaty of Versailles. Through the treaty Germany was "punished" for the war, broken into pieces and the German Government crippled.
      1. 2. The Great Depression. The collapse the world markets hit every nation to a certain degree, unemployment increased dramatic as jobs were scare and people lost their savings, they also lost confidence in their leadership.
        1. 4. Absent of Authority, League of Nations. The lack of and international authority or ability to curb the radical movements or hinder radical nations failed to address these matters at a lower level
          1. 5. Passive & Anti war movements. WW1 left a scar upon the mentality of nearly every nation that had fought in the war. No nation, not population wanted to repeat a WW1.
            1. 3. The rise of Fascism , the high public discontent fostered the increase in radical movements such as the communist, and fascist theories. Italy, Spain, Germany, fell to Fascist movements, and there were strong fascist movements in other countries.
            2. Treaty of Versailles and implication
              1. The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. The treaty was signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris - hence its title - between Germany and the Allies.
              2. Germany prior to WW2 and rise of Hitler
                1. • Prior to WW2 Germany was in great economic strife as a result of loosing WW1 and having to pay back millions as part of their punishment. Hitler jumped on this, and convinced the Germans to trust him by saying they will all get jobs. This resulting in the rise of Hitler as an influencing leader. Who pushed forward WW2.
                2. Appeasement
                  1. The policy of acceding to the demands of a potentially hostile nation in the hope of maintaining peace.
                    1. Theatres of War
                      1. The entire sea, land and air that becomes the site of war/battles
                    2. Japanese and the Treaty
                      1. • Japan helped the British defeat Germany in WWI, after this Japan expected to get something back and tried to introduce a 'racial equality.
                        1. • The British and Australia disagreed with the clause, which further lead to the Japanese losing relations with the West. Japan became a Nationalism and Militarism country. They felt superior and though that building an army would help to invade other countries and to build their empire. • Japan invaded China before WWII so they could take over Asia and build their empire, and that's why Japan allied with Germany in WWII
                        2. Black Civil RIghts Movement
                          1. Boycotts- Rosa Parks started the bus boycott by making sure all blacks who were facing discrimination didn't catch the bus, to make a stand in segregation.
                            1. Sit-ins- A sit-in is a form of direct action that involves one or more people non-violently occupying an area for a protest, often to promote political, social, or economic change.
                              1. Education- During the Civil Rights movement, education for black children was a challenge. After protests laws were created that both schools for white children and black children had to be equal. However, the schools were not equal, they had worse teachers, poorer classrooms and an overall lower quality of schooling.
                                1. Little Rock Nine- The little roc k nine were 9 black children who were chosen to go to a white school and get a real education to prove a point. However, it wasn't easy for the children due to bullying and racism. So they were assigned guards and even still some of the children pulled out as it was emotionally over whelming.
                                2. Leaders
                                  1. Martin- He spoke out and protested peacefully to give blacks a voice. He had an aim to stop segregation.
                                    1. Malcolm X- Malcolm X wanted blacks to use violence against whites instead of a passive approach led by Martin Luther King, Jr. as a militant leader, X advocated black pride, economic self-reliance, and identity politics. he ultimately rose to become a world-renowned human rights activist.
                                    2. Aborigional Campaaigns
                                      1. Wave Hill Walk Off: Aboriginals working at Wave Hill Cattle Station were given lower and unfair wages and were living in terrible conditions. A Gurindji spokesmen stood up for himself and indigenous rights and led 200 aboriginals off the station and stopped them from working in these horrible conditions, like slaves.
                                        1. Freedom Rides: In February 1965 a group of University of Sydney students organised a bus tour of western and coastal New South Wales towns. Their purpose was threefold. The students planned to draw public attention to the poor state of Aboriginal health, education and housing.
                                        2. American and Australian equal rights campaigns
                                          1. • Both aimed to end discrimination and segregation.
                                            1. Both Non-Violent
                                              1. Important Leaders for Community Infulence
                                              2. Popular Culture
                                                1. Popular Culture is the entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture


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