A special kind of train


Mapa Mental por beduardo1000, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por beduardo1000 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

A special kind of train
  1. every day at differn hours workin people business men house wives and schoolchildren take the train to their daily activities in the afternoon everyone takes it back to their homes the train is the way people in buenos aires move abut to carry on thrir daily
    1. carton cansc and plastic bottles to sell to recycling plants every mamber of the famly works all day coming back every night heavily loaded and tired fron long walk around the cuty
      1. thesee informal workers used to travel along with professinals and employees in the train but the betteer off passengers were not pleased they did not wantto want to travel with
        1. train company came up wityh a solutinon they would offer these informal workes the sam,e train at special hours and for nominal fee to take them to the city aned back home after they obtained this trasportation service the paper reclers felt motivated
          1. contynue working to improve their living conditions they organized chilld care for the smaller chindren and one of the mothers hired a teacher to help
            1. these informal workrs are now saen as cantributing menbers of the society they are hard working families where every menberr


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