what we have done this term


Mapa Mental por rupeterry, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por rupeterry mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

what we have done this term
  1. Photosynthesis
    1. The word equation
    2. Testing for starch in green Leaves
      1. The proces
        1. Put the leaf in a beaker of water
          1. put it under the benson burner
            1. put the leaf into ethanol
              1. put some iodine solution on it
                1. if it goes blurry black then starch is present
      2. the I'm province of vitamins
        1. plants need
          1. magnisium for making clyrofyll
            1. nitrates for healthy growth
              1. phoshates for healthy roots
                1. potassium for healthy leaves and flowers
        2. spezalized cells in a leaf
          1. Root hair cell
            1. They have a large surface area to obsorve water and minerals from the soil
            2. palizaid cell
              1. it has lots of chloroplasts witch contain chlorophyll to catch sunlight
              2. plant cell


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