The cells in the human body


These are the tipe of cells in the human body. Let´s learn them!!!
Elisa Ruiz
Mapa Mental por Elisa Ruiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elisa Ruiz
Criado por Elisa Ruiz quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The cells in the human body
  1. Multicellular organisms
    1. Composed of 2 or more cells. Cells are grouped to form different levels of organisation.
      1. The cell


        • Is the smallest unit of life because it performs the three vital functions.
        1. Tissue
          1. Organ
            1. System
              1. Several organs that perform a function together.
              2. A set of tissues that are grouped and perform the same function.
              3. A set of one tipes of cells wich performs the same function.
              4. The first level of organisation.


                • They have different shapes acording to their function.
                1. Types of cells
                  1. Muscle cells
                    1. Nerve cells /Neurons
                      1. Epithelial cells
                2. Let´s watch a video!!!


                  • It´s going to be about the cells in the human body, pay attention!!!


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