British Colonization of America


meine mindmap
Niklas Hock
Mapa Mental por Niklas Hock, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Niklas Hock
Criado por Niklas Hock mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

British Colonization of America
  1. Reasons for Colonization
    1. Trade
      1. new routes
        1. all over the World
        2. Christianization
          1. only one Religion
            1. GB as Role Model
            2. Resources
              1. more Resources
                1. new Resources
                2. Power
                  1. expand Borders
                    1. tactical Advantages
                  2. Some British Colonies in America
                    1. North-America
                      1. Massachusetts
                        1. New Hampshire
                          1. Rhode Island
                            1. New York
                              1. New Jersey
                              2. South-America
                                1. Guayana
                                  1. Falkland-Islands
                                  2. Middle-America
                                    1. British Honduras
                                      1. Miskito-Coast
                                    2. Effects
                                      1. British society is continued in America
                                        1. America is addicted to the British Government
                                          1. English is spoken in America
                                            1. Christianization in America


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