Management Game-Phase 1 Recognition


Josè Agudelo Rodrìguez
José  Agudelo Rodríguez
Mapa Mental por José Agudelo Rodríguez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
José  Agudelo Rodríguez
Criado por José Agudelo Rodríguez quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Management Game-Phase 1 Recognition
  1. Unit 1: Strategic Decisions
    1. Mechanisms that create value
      1. Capital Budget
        1. Financial engineering
          1. Growth and Diversification
            1. Finance Strategies
              1. Stages of an Investment
                1. To establish objectives
                  1. Identify potential investment
                    1. Select the investment
                  2. Strategic management
                    1. Elements of Strategic Management
                      1. Strategic Management
                        1. Organizational diagnosis
                          1. Management System
                            1. Strategic Direction
                              1. Control Evaluation Strategic
                          2. Decision making in the organization
                            1. Elements of a decision problem
                              1. what is deciding
                                1. The efficiency of decisions
                                  1. Methodology for making decisions
                                2. Unit 2 - Business Management Tools
                                  1. Contract Analysis
                                    1. Associative Contract
                                      1. two or more parts
                                        1. Natural or legal persons
                                          1. They do business together
                                            1. for a certain time
                                              1. get a utility
                                            2. Balanced Scorecard
                                              1. Management Tool as Basic Objective
                                                1. To diagnose situations and carry out permanent monitoring
                                                  1. Strategy
                                                    1. Financial Perspective
                                                      1. customer perspective
                                                        1. Perspective of learning and growth
                                                          1. Internal processes perspective
                                                  2. Unit 3 - Management skills for decision making
                                                    1. managerial skills
                                                      1. Skills
                                                        1. hard and soft skills
                                                          1. hard and soft skills
                                                            1. Transversal Skills
                                                              1. ability to do
                                                                1. ability to communicate
                                                                  1. ability to relate
                                                                    1. support capacity
                                                                      1. Ability to generate solutions
                                                                        1. fundamental capacity


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