Exciting Destinations Around The World


Natali Sarmiento
Mapa Mental por Natali Sarmiento, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natali Sarmiento
Criado por Natali Sarmiento quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Exciting Destinations Around The World
  1. Culture
    1. Indetify international and local dishes.
      1. Recall historical places and landmarks of Colombia
        1. Indetify positive aspects about Colombian tourism
          1. Change the Colombia's stereotype through the creation of a Colombian travel guide.
          2. Communication
            1. Language for learning
              1. Language for talking about things people can do in their cities
                1. Language for explaining the meaning of a word.
                  1. Language for expressing likes and dislikes
                  2. Language through learning
                    1. Expressing opinions
                      1. Exemplifying information
                      2. Language of learning
                        1. Grammar
                          1. Use of can and can't
                            1. Use like to explain words
                              1. Use like to express likes and dislikes
                              2. Vocabulary
                                1. Countries
                                  1. Continents
                                    1. Nationalities
                                      1. Typical food
                                        1. Tourist Places
                                    2. Content
                                      1. Indentifying countries and continets.
                                        1. Knowing typical food and tourist places.
                                        2. Cognition
                                          1. Contrasting and comparing different countries.
                                            1. Create and present a travel guide about Colombia.


                                            Visiting La Guajira
                                            LADY ESTELA PARRA BAEZ
                                            Questões de Biologia (UNICAMP 2013, 2012 e 2011)
                                            CAv - controle de avarias
                                            willian reis
                                            Expressões em inglês #1
                                            Eduardo .
                                            Expressões em inglês #2
                                            Eduardo .
                                            Princípios da Química
                                            GoConqr suporte .
                                            HISTÓRIA DO BRASIL COLONIAL (1ª PARTE)
                                            Lucas Villar
                                            Avaliação de Alunos
                                            Alessandra S.
                                            Literatura de Informação (Quinhentismo)
                                            Sandra Virgínia Correia de And Santos
                                            História do Islamismo
                                            Marcus Vital
                                            Desafio dos sinais: do sinal ao significado - Aula 02
                                            Emannuelle Araújo