Heart rate in relation to the inclination of the slope on which one is running


A mind map conceptualisation of the internal assessment which I may realise in a mathematics SL course as part of an IB diploma program. May a million vicious and beady eyes witness its publication. Thank you.
Mapa Mental por lambekieran, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lambekieran mais de 9 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Heart rate in relation to the inclination of the slope on which one is running
  1. Trigonometry
    1. Calculation of distances present
    2. Algebra
      1. Constructing a function to model the relationship
        1. Calculating distances present and exact nature of the relationship
          1. Deriving an equation to model the relationship
          2. Sequences and series
            1. Creating a sequence to model the relationship
            2. Calculus
              1. Diferenciation of equations at points on the graphs
              2. Measurements taken
                1. Heart rate
                  1. Angle or Inclination of slope

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