Isaac Newton


Mind Map
Mapa Mental por jacqueline.torre, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jacqueline.torre aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Isaac Newton
  1. physicist, mathematician and philosopher
        1. Studies
          1. Wrote
              1. Describes Gravity
                1. Published in 1687
                  1. geometry of ancient Greece
                  2. Structured by arguments and logic
                    1. Base of Modern Sciences
                  3. Member of the Parliament
                    1. Philosophy of God and the 4th elements
                        1. Hypothesis
                            1. Motion of Revolving Bodies
                            2. In love with maths
                              1. Newtons Laws of Motion
                                1. Law of Inertia
                                  1. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
                                  2. Second Law of Motion
                                    1. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma.
                                    2. Third Law of Motion
                                      1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


                                    La Ley de la Gravedad
                                    maya velasquez
                                    Leyes de Newton
                                    Wladimir Basantes
                                    La historia de la Física 
                                    Diego Rondine
                                    Leyes de newton
                                    Tomás Súarez
                                    Textos Científicos - Módulo 2
                                    Raúl Fox
                                    CAIDA LIBRE
                                    Denis Gonzalez
                                    GRAMMAR WORDS
                                    Ana Fernández García
                                    Las Leyes de Newton
                                    Willian Henry Ve
                                    La revolución científica
                                    Elena MH
                                    GRAVITACION UNIVERSAL
                                    Cesar Lopez
                                    Capitulo 5 Costeo por procesos: múltiples procesos y materias primas
                                    Ramon MF