Party organisation


A Levels Government and Politics (Political Parties) Mapa Mental sobre Party organisation, criado por dottydiva96 em 17-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por dottydiva96, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dottydiva96 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Party organisation
  1. UK parties used to be ideologically based. However, in a bid to appeal to the widest range of voters possible, parties have dropped their traditional ideologies and become 'catch-all' parties
    1. The Labour and Conservative Parties at a local and national level
      1. Labour
        1. Those who join the Labour Party are assigned to a local branch according to their post code (constituency). Constituencies are the lowest level of the party organisation and are responsible for electing candidates for parliament (MPs)
          1. The Constituency Labour Party (CLP) takes the lead in local and national election campaigns has some part in selecting MPs (although OMOV has diminished this)
            1. The National Executive Committee (NEC) is the main organ of the national party and ensures the smooth running of the party, overseas the preparation of policy proposals, has the say on the selection of parliamentary candidates, and enforces party discipline
            2. Conservative
              1. Similar local structure as Labour
                1. Local branches operate on the lowest level with constituency associations above them. These bodies play a key role in the organisation of the parties grassroots level, planing election campaigns, and selecting parliamentary candidates
              2. European level
                1. MEPs, who numbered 72 in 2011, sit in a number of transnational party groupings within the chamber
                  1. Conservative MEPs sit with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group
                    1. Labour MEPs sit with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (PASD)
                      1. Lib Dem MEPs sit with the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)


                      Nationalist parties in Scotland and Wales
                      Party funding
                      Unit 1: Government and Politics: The Constitution
                      Functions of a Political Party
                      Phoebe Fletcher
                      (1) Political Ideologies
                      Marcus Danvers
                      Democracy and political participation
                      Political Parties
                      Phoebe Fletcher
                      Policy Making
                      Selecting Parliamentary Candidates
                      Selecting Party Leaders
                      Single-issue parties