Near and Far


Mapa Mental sobre Near and Far, criado por Caroline Satchwell em 01-06-2022.
Caroline Satchwell
Mapa Mental por Caroline Satchwell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caroline Satchwell
Criado por Caroline Satchwell mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Near and Far
  1. Geography
    1. Use atlases to label the 7 continents and 5 oceans on a world map
      1. Identify and label the 4 countries that make up the UK
        1. Investigate the human and physical features of Nairobi
          1. Investigate the human and physical features of London
            1. Compare Kelvin Grove to a rural UK primary school
              1. Compare a school in Nairobi to a rural Kenyan school
              2. Maths
                1. Length and measure
                  1. measure in cm and m
                    1. Compare and order lengths
                      1. Problem solve with lengths
                      2. Mass, capacity and temperature
                        1. Measure and compare mass
                          1. Measure in ml and l
                          2. Position and direction
                            1. Describe position and movements
                          3. English
                            1. Lila and the Secret of the Rain
                            2. Computing
                              1. Art


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                                Eduardo .
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                                Prazos - Dos Atos Processuais - Direito Processual Civil
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                                DIREITO ADMINISTRATIVO Evandro Guedes - parte 1
                                Apresentação da aula 3 - Desenvolvimento Humano e Social - Diversos
                                Emmanuela Pimenta