
Mapa Mental sobre RESEARCH DESING, criado por Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes em 06-06-2022.
Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes
Mapa Mental por Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes
Criado por Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Exploratory or Formulative Research
    1. To achieve new purposes about a phenomenon. Its purpose is to formulate a problem or create a hypothesis to better investigate.
      1. Methods for this research:
        1. Survey of Literature
          1. The Experience of Survey
            1. Best Hypothesis
              1. Behavioural Possibility
                1. Knowledge of Facilities
                  1. Control Factor
                    1. Knowledge of Helping Persons
                    2. Case Study
                  2. Descriptive Research or Statistical Research
                    1. Describes social events, structure and situations. It answers the questions what, who, where, how and when. It is used more in socioeconomic surveys and in the analysis of jobs and activities. Its objective is to accurately portray the characteristics of a particular group or situation.
                      1. Steps of Descriptive Research:
                        1. The Clear discrimination of objective of Research
                          1. Determination of the Method of Data Collection
                            1. Selection of Sampling
                              1. Real Collection of Data
                                1. Analysis of Achieved conclusion
                              2. Explanatory Research
                                1. It is when the purpose of the study is to explore a new universe that has not been studied before. The research is mainly concerned with causes or „why‟ factor about some phenomenon.
                                  1. The research purpose in this case is to gain familiarity in unknown areas
                                  2. Experimental Research or Analytical Research
                                    1. Types of Experimental Research
                                      1. After-only experimental design
                                        1. Before – after experimental design.
                                          1. Ex-post facto design
                                            1. Panel study
                                            2. Used to test a causal relationship research design under a controlled situation. A design in which some of the variables being studied are manipulated or are intended to control the condition in which people are observed.


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