The Monster's bargain with Victor


Mapa Mental sobre The Monster's bargain with Victor, criado por abl em 19-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por abl, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por abl aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Monster's bargain with Victor
  1. What does it represent?
    1. reversal of master/servant relationship
      1. Power shift
        1. Dealing with devil/Faustian pact
          1. Bond between two characters
            1. Victor repeating his error.
              1. Monster's moral justification
              2. Links between monster and Victor?
                1. shifting roles of master/servant
                  1. Monster's morality is as skewed as Victor's
                    1. Monster's attitude to females the same
                      1. Assumes female monster will "not deny herself to me"
                    2. Changes in your view of the monster?
                      1. Sympathy
                        1. Views Victor as only hope
                          1. Lonely
                          2. Less sympathetic
                            1. Mirror image of Victor
                            2. Behaves like a human now
                            3. Language of the monster?
                              1. Speaks in commands
                                1. Assertive
                                  1. Scientific-'species'
                                    1. Melodramatic
                                      1. Self-obsessed


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