The Hobbit


A mind map for the book The Hobbit
Caleb Lopez
Mapa Mental por Caleb Lopez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caleb Lopez
Criado por Caleb Lopez quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Hobbit
  1. Characters
    1. Gandalf
      1. Kind
        1. Wise
        2. Thorin
          1. Greedy
            1. Furious
            2. Bilbo
              1. thoughtful
                1. Adventures
              2. theme
                1. Adventures are fun but very dangrous
                  1. How it is portrayed in the book: Bilbo and the dwarfs have to go defeat a dragon and win the gold.
                  2. Setting
                    1. Middle Earth
                      1. All four seasons
                      2. Main Conflict
                        1. Conflict: Bilbo and the 13 dwarfs are trying to get to the Lonely mountain
                          1. Cause: A dragon named Smaug killed all the dwarfs living there.


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