Merchant of Venice Vs Frankenstein


Mapa Mental sobre Merchant of Venice Vs Frankenstein, criado por sam_wisbey em 19-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por sam_wisbey, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sam_wisbey quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Merchant of Venice Vs Frankenstein
  1. Antonio & Shylock Vs Victor & Creature
    1. Similarities
      1. Jealousy
        1. Depression -> Hatred
          1. Neglect
          2. Differences
            1. Religion
              1. Money
                1. Failure
              2. Jessica & Lorenzo Vs Victor & Lizzie
                1. Similarities
                  1. True love?
                    1. Marriage
                    2. Differences
                      1. Pressured by escape vs family
                        1. Choice vs Duty
                          1. Revenge vs Fear
                        2. Antonio & Bassanio Vs Victor & Creature
                          1. Similarities
                            1. Compliment each other
                              1. Dependent on each other
                                1. Nothing alone
                                  1. Main plot
                                  2. Differences
                                    1. Money & Power Vs Knowledge
                                      1. courtly love vs fear of women


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