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Early Baroque Opera Revised
A mind map of the root and progression of early opera.
Sem etiquetas
early baroque opera
florentine camerata
jacopo peri
music history
Mapa Mental por
Jessica Griggs
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Jessica Griggs
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Early Baroque Opera Revised
Musical interludes between acts of a play
1. Chorus, soloist and instrumental ensemble 2. Mythical theme 3.Mostly in Italy
Madrigal (in Context of Opera)
Has narrative
Leads to the dialogue in Opera
Greek Tradegy
Chorus composed for Greek Play
Comment on the action onstage
Emotional Content very important
Pastoral Drama
Popular in Italian Courts
Influenced Opera through song and dance and mytholthical characters
Important People
Vincenzo Galilei (1525-91)
Was against polyphony
Considered word painting childish
Part of the Florentine Camerata and was in correspondence with Girolamo Mei
Girolamo Mei (1519- 94)
One of the leading scholars on Roman and Greek Culture
Figured out that Greek music was one single melodic line
The scholar the Florentine Camerata collaberated with
Florentine Camerata (1570's)
Informal academy of scholars
Interested in Roman arts, music, science, etc....
Commissioned music they thought reflected that of Greek and Roman Music and Tragedies
First Opera
Jacopo Peri ( 1561- 1633)
Wrote Dafne (1598)
Only fragments have survived
Developed Recitative Style
Style of Speech Song
Thought to be imitating Greek Epic Poetry Recitation
Basso continuo holds while performer sings in speech-like patterns
Thought Polyphony was old school and wanted to usher in monody
monody- Works for solo voice and maybe continuo
Wouldn't have opera without them
What is it?
Sung drama with Libretto
Has Soloist, chorus, dance, orchestra, and mythic theme
Org. for aristocracy, later for public
1st opera house in Venice 1637
Wrote in both Renaissance and Baroque style Knew he was writing in both and called them...
Seconda Practice = Baroque style Free with rhythm and dissonance
Prima practica = Renaissance style
arias, duets, madrigals, recitatives, ritornellos, choruses, dance Working for Contrast
Uses a 40 instrument orchestra with specified score.
Borrowed contrasting elements of church music for opera
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