1. stress is any circumstances
that threaten or are perceived
to threaten one's well-being
and that thereby tax one's
coping abilities
threat may be to
immediate physical
safety, long-range
security, self-esteem,
reputation, peace of
2. Even though there
are elevated levels of
problems etc. after a
traumatic event,
many everyday
events are also
3. Experience of feeling
stress depends on what
events one notices and
how one chooses to
appraise them
* Primary appraisal = initial evaluation of whether an event is:
1. irrelevant to you. 2. relevant but not threatening. 3. stressful
** When you view an event as stressful you are likely to make a
secondary appraisal which is an evaluation of your coping
resources and options for dealing with stress
4. Types of stress
Acute Stressors - threatening
events that have a relatively short
duration and a clear endpoint
Chronic Stressors - threatening
events that have a relatively long
duration and no readily apparent
time limit
4 major types of stress:
Pressure = involves expectations or demands
that one behave in a certain way --> pressures
to perform and pressures to conform
Change = any significant
alterations in one's living
circumstances that require
Conflict = occurs when 2 or more incompatible motivations
or behavioural impulses compete for expression ... 1.
Approach-approach 2. Avoidance-avoidance 3.
Frustration = occurs in any situation in which
the pursuit of some goal is thwarted. "You
want something and can't have it"